无线升级到Wi-Fi 6 后的优势


  • 传输速度快,速度提升40%, 867Mbps -> 1201Mbps
  • 频段广,WiFi 6则覆盖2.4/5GHz,完整涵盖低速与高速设备
  • 容量高, 次载波调制提升400%,WiFi 6支持1024-QAM,高于WiFi 5的256-QAM,意味着更高的数据
  • 传输速度达到了9.6Gbps,可以更好的欣赏8K流媒体和各种VR内容。

无线升级到Wi-Fi 6 后的优势

以下从Wi-Fi4 到Wi-Fi 6各参数性能对比表比较具体的优势差异。

Wi-Fi 4  Wi-Fi 5 Wi-Fi 6
Standard IEEE 802.11n  IEEE 802.11ac IEEE 802.11ax
Wave 1 Wave 2
Year 2009 2013 2016 2019
Frequency Bands 2.4GHz and 5 GHz 5 GHz 2.4G and 5 GHz
Max Channel Bandwidth
40 80 160 160
MCS 0 ~ 7 0 ~ 9 0 ~ 11
Highest Subcarrier Modulation 64-QAM 256-QAM 1024-QAM
Maximum Data Rate  150 Mbps 433 Mbps 867 Mbps 1201 Mbps
Max Spatial Streams 1 4 8
MU-MIMO Downlink Uplink


OFDMA Uplink


Key Features:

  • 延时Latency

MU-MIMO(Multi-user multiple-input and multiple-output)

Max spatial data streams increase from 4 to 8, make it can support the maximum of 8×8 MU-MIMO.

WiFi 6最多可支持的空间数据流由WiFi 5的4条提升至8条,也就是可最大支持8×8 MU-MIMO,这也是WiFi 6速率大幅提升的重要原因之一。

Wi-Fi 6 supports both uplink and downlink, it allows multiple terminals to share the channel of communication and network time, uploading and downloading data at the same time, make efficient.

多用户MU-MIMO技术允许电脑讯网时间多终端共享信道,使多台手机/电脑一起同时上网,从此前低效的排队顺序通过方式变成为“齐头并进”的高效方式。WiFi 5标准仅支持MU-MIMO下行,只能在下载内容时体验该技术,而WiFi 6同时支持上行与下行MU-MIMO, 这意味着移动设备与无线路由器之间上传与下载数据时都可体验MU-MIMO,进一步提高无线网络带宽利用率。

New OFDMA technology (Orthogonal frequency-division multiple access ,正交频分多址技术)

Support simultaneous parallel transmission of multiple terminals, effectively improving efficiency and reducing latency. When users are faced with the choice of multi-channel transmission, they can choose a better subchannel to improve the reliability of data transmission as much as possible and reduce the side effects of multi-path effect.

WiFi 6 加入了新的 OFDMA 技术,支持多个终端同时并行传输,就是在于用户面对多信道传输的选择时,可以选择比较好的子通道(subchannel)来尽量提高数据传输的可靠性,并且降低多径效应的副作用。在有效提升了效率并降低延时,这也就是其数据吞吐量大幅提升的秘诀。

Better Long DFDM Symbol transmission mechanism

WIFI6 improves the carrier transmission time per signal from WIFI5's 3.2μs to 12.8μs , which effectively reduces the packet loss rate and retransmission rate and makes the transmission more stable.

WiFi6通过更优质的Long DFDM Symbol发送机制,将每个信号载波发送时间从WiFi5的3.2μs提升到12.8μs,有效降低丢包率和重传率,使传输更加稳定。

  • 功耗Power consumption

Target Wake Time(TWT) technology

The communication time between the device and the wireless router can be actively planned to reduce the time of wireless network antenna use and signal search, the power consumption can be reduced to a certain extent and the battery life of the device can be improved.

WiFi 6引入了TARget Wake Time(TWT)技术,允许设备与无线路由器之间主动规划通信时间,减少无线网络天线使用及信号搜索时间,这也就意味着能够一定程度上减少电量消耗,提升设备续航时间。

  • 安全Security

WiFi 6 (Wireless Router) devices which certified by the WiFi Alliance must use WPA3 security protocol for higher security.

WiFi 6 (无线路由器)设备若需要通过 WiFi联盟认证,必须采用 WPA 3 安全协议,安全性更高。

Wi-Fi 6 E扩展

Wi-Fi 6E 是于2020年发布的标准,它与Wi-Fi 6在规格上是相同的标准,但在6GHz频段额外支持一个扩展频谱1200 MHz使路由器和其他设备能够在14个额外的80 MHz信道和7个额外的160 MHz信道中运行。更宽的频谱不仅会简化网络设计,还会增加更高的吞吐量和更宽的通道,从而增加更高的吞吐量和更低的延迟(“E”在6E中代表“扩展”)。更宽的频谱不仅会简化网络设计,还会增加更高的吞吐量和更宽的通道,从而提高Wi-Fi速度和降低延迟。它还将最终消除对遗留设备的支持需求,减少网络拥塞,特别是在高负荷区域,如办公楼、体育场、会议等。

无线升级到Wi-Fi 6 后的优势

市面上华硕、博通、英特尔和高通都宣布了Wi-Fi 6E产品,于2021年开始发货。Galaxy S21 Ultra是全球首款支持Wi-Fi 6E的智能手机。






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