单选题 (每题1分,共28道题)
2、 [单选] A bicycle maker whose products are similar to its peers' products, and the prices are more or less the same, so its products are always in the same competition as its peers. Lately, its product manager has found a material which not only makes the hub more sturdy, but also provides cheaper price, so the Company makes a new type of bicycles based on this material. So what kind of product does this new bicycle belong to?
A. Breakthrough
B. Platform-based
C. Derivative
D. Supportive
- A:突破型
- B:平台型
- C:衍生型
- D:支持型
解析:2-2.1 衍生项目( Derivative Projects):由现有产品或平台衍生出的项目。它们可以弥补现有产品线的空白,建立具有成本优势的制造能力;或者基于组织的核心技术提升性能和引入新特性。通常风险水平较低。
7、 [单选] John serves as the product development manager at a company. He is responsible for designing a new embedded intelligent display device to meet the advertising needs of the mall micro-terminals. The product is currently in the design phase, which specific tool is used for decision-making at this stage.
A. Core strategy technology
B. Focus group
C. Six Sigma Design
D. Value quantity
- A:核心战略技术
- B:焦点小组
- C:六西格玛设计
- D:价值量
解析:5-5.5.3 P143,六西格玛的应用专注于设计或重新设计产品和服务及其支持流程,以满足客户的需求和期望。 ABD均非设计阶段的工具
16、 [单选] is the commonly used measure index during senior reporting.
A.Vitality index
B.Ratio of research and development expenditure to income
C.Profit time
D.All of the above
- A:活力指数
- B:研发费用占收入百分比
- C:盈利时间
- D:以上皆是
解析:5-5.8 P155 高层管理者汇报时常用的度量指标有: 活力指数; 研发费用占收入的百分比; 盈亏平衡时间或盈利时间; 专利申请和授予的数量; 在一定时期内新产品发布数量。
19、 [单选] One of the key outputs of the Concept Evaluation stage is:
A.Business Case.
B.Selected Market Segments.
C.Proven Product Prototype.
D.Market Launch Plan.
- A:商业案例
- B:选定的细分市场
- C:成熟的产品原型
- D:市场启动计划
解析: 概念评估阶段是建立在前一阶段中得出的初步产品概念的一个深化评估,对应书中P68门径管理流程-stage2立项分析business case阶段。
21、 [单选] Which part of the strategic listing management considers how to send products to target customers?
A.Marketing plan.
B.Marketing Communication.
C.Distribution plan.
D.Operation management.
- A:营销计划
- B:营销传播
- C:分销计划
- D:运营管理
解析:1-1.6.4 A营销计划包括例如客户价值主张、产品利益的情感联系、产品如何在市场上定位以及竞争对手对产品销售的影响等。 B营销传播与营销计划紧密相关,一旦确定了针对新产品或服务的产品定位和情感联系,营销传播就要解决以什么样的最好方式传达到目标受众。 C易混淆项,分销计划包含很多内容,不一定指的是“如何将产品送到目标客户”,分销渠道会更合适。
25、 [单选] Please choose the best answer regarding to the following statements:
Statement 1: Segmentation strategy emphasize to work together with target customer and research to understand the needs from customers.
Statement 2: The development investment for segmentation strategy is higher the cost leadership strategy, lower than differentiation.
A. Statement 1 is correct, while statement 2 is wrong
B. Statement 2 is correct, while statement 1 is wrong
C. Both are correct
D. Both are wrong
- A:陈述1正确,陈述2错误
- B:陈述2正确,陈述1错误
- C:二者皆对
- D:二者都错
解析:1-1.5.1 与差异化和成本领先战略相比,细分市场战略的新产品开发投入通常会更高; 市场细分战略非常强调亲近客户,充分理解当下目标市场的需求和所预测的未来需求
26、 [单选] The profit analysis of Project A of a software company is shown in the following table. Let the discount rate be 10%, and what is the net present value of the profit in the second year?
Profit Analysis:Year0 Year1 Year2 Year3
Profit value: ----- -99900 1345000 1514000
利润分析 零年 第一年 第二年 第三年
利润值 ----- -99900 1345000 1514000

- A:1345000
- B:1222727
- C:1111570
- D:1010518
解析:5-5.3 现值=未来价值/(1+利率)期间数 第二年NPV:1345000/(1+0.1)2=1111570
27、 [单选] Which of the following is a suitable step for screening new product opportunities?
A.Weighted Score; Pass/Fail; Total Scores, Get Filtered Items.
B.Financial Method Scores; Non-Financial Scores; Total Scores, Get Filtered Items.
C.Pass/Fail; Weighted Score; Total Scores, Get Filtered Items.
D.Non-financial Scores; Financial Scores; Total Scores, Get Filtered Items.
- A:加权评分方法一通过/失败方法一总计分数,得到筛选的项目
- B:财务方法评分一非财务方法评分一总计分数,得到筛选的项目
- C:通过/失败方法一加权评分方法一总计分数,得到筛选的项目
- D:非财务方法评分一财务方法评分一总计分数,得到筛选的项目
解析:2-2.3 P48 通过/失败方法主要是指,产品创意“首次通过”评估——判断创意是否满足——的一些基本准则。 评分方法是更为详细的分析方法,通常在通过/失败筛选之后进行。为了做出更好的评估,评分方法需要的信息更多。
29、 [单选] Company B is a shampoo manufacturing company which specializes in building up the cyclic economy of product life cycle. Which of the following items is not the correct principle of cyclic economy?
A. Balancing the use of resources in various stages of the product life cycle to maximize overall resource utilization.
B. Controlling inventory goods and balancing renewable resources, and protecting natural resources.
C. Recycling products to maximize utilization
D. Eliminating negative effects to increase system efficiency
- A:平衡产品生命周期各阶段的资源利用,使得资源整体利用率最大化
- B:控制库存商品以及平衡可再生资源,保护自然资源
- C:循环利用产品,保持利用率的最大化
- D:消除负面影响来提升系统效率
解析:7-7.2.1 P219 循环经济( Circular Economy)的目标是在产品生命周期中创造闭环。其原理如下所述: 原理1:通过控制库存商品以及平衡可再生资源的流动,保护并增加自然资源; 原理2:通过循环利用产品、零部件和原材料实现资源产出的优化,在技术和生物周期中保持利用率最大化; 原理3:通过揭露和消除负面的外部影响来提升系统效率。
30、 [单选] In New Product Development, the decision environment is:
A.Solver and deliberate
B.Very dynamic
C.Structured and unchanging
- A:有计划的可解决的
- B:有活力的
- C:结构化的且不变的
- D:固定的
解析:3-3.1 决策来自知识、信息和数据。 做出正确决策所需的知识、信息和数据的来源十分广泛,如:员工、外部顾问、竞争对手、客户等等,信息和数据是实时变化的,决策的环境也在不断改变。
33、 [单选] According to the PDMA CPAS research, what product development activities are being used by “optimal performance” frequently?
A.Spend more time in less projects
B.Establish a correct creative practice
C.Form a clear investment portfolio management strategy
D.All of the above
根据PDMA CPAS研究,什么产品开发活动被“最佳绩效”频繁使用?
- A:在更少的项目上花费更多时间
- B:建立正确的创意惯例
- C:形成清晰的投资组合管理策略
- D:以上所有选项
解析:5-5.8 P156 以下是PDMA于2012年CPAS研究中指出的一些成功因素。研究的关注点是,哪些因素使得成功企业与众不同、脱颖而出。 做正确的事( Doing the Right Things)最好的公司: ·在每个项目上花更多的时间,但是做更少的项目; ·采用首先上市战略; ·建立全球市场和运营战略; ·监控新技术; ·认识到知识产权的重要性; ·有清晰的组合管理战略; ·正式的创意生成实践。
39、 [单选] The disadvantages of focus groups include?
A.Power of a group to provide fresh insights
B.Group dynamics can suppress participation
C.Quickly getting feedback form the customers
D.Behavior of participants can be observed
- A:有可以提供新见解的力量
- B:团队动力学会抑制参与度
- C:能很快获得客户反馈
- D:参与者的一举一动会被观察到
解析:6-6.4 P174 焦点小组的缺点 群体动态可能会抑制一些参与者的活跃度,或出现由某人主导的情况; 参与者的评论是开放的,会以各种形式被众人解读; 调查结果并不适用于焦点小组之外的人群——不可投射的研究结果; 调查结果的质量在很大程度上受主持人的技巧所影响。 ACD是焦点小组的优点 焦点小组的缺点,群体动态可能会抑制一些参与者的活跃度,或出现由某人主导的情况。
46、 [单选] Which of the following is not included in the four market growth strategies of the Ansoff Matrix?
A.Market development.
B.Market penetration.
D.Product extensions.
- A:市场开发
- B:市场渗透
- C:多元化
- D:产品延伸
解析:1-1.5 安索夫市场矩阵: 市场渗透; 市场开发; 产品开发; 多元化。 D产品延伸不关市场增长。
47、 [单选] Number of buying units 3,000,000
Percent availability 40%
Percent repeat 50%
Annual units bought 1.5
Revenue per unit $25.00
Cost per unit $12.50
Profit per Unit $12.50
Profit=Units Sold * Profit per Unit $900,000
The number of buying units in the above table is adjusted to 4,500,000, the percent trial is adjusted to 25%,the percent repeat is adjusted to 60%,the annual units bought and is adjusted to 2,the profit per unit is adjusted to $15,what is the profit?
B $6680000
购买单位数量 3,000,000人
知晓百分比 40%
试用百分比 20%
可获得性百分比 40%
重复购买百分比 50%
年度购买次数 1.5次
单价 $25.00
单位成本 $12.50
单位利润 $12.50
利润 $900000
上表中的购买单位数量调整为4500000人,试用百分比调整为35%,可获得性百分比调整为25%,重复购买百分比调整为60%,年购买次数调整为2次,单位利润调整 $15元,利润将会是多少?
- A:$2835000
- B:$6680000
- C:$7480000
- D:$7274000
解析:5-5.3 P122 计算方法: 利润=销量*单位利润。 单位利润已知,需计算销量。 销量=购买人数4500000*知晓百分比 40%*试用百分比 35%*可获得性百分比 25%*重复购买百分比 60%*年度购买次数 2次 题干中调整试用百分比和可获得性百分比,利润=450*0.4*0.35*0.25*0.6*2*15=2835000
49、 [单选] Which of the following is correct during the concept generation stage of a new product process?
A.For new product opportunities, only a new product concept is created and this concept is adhered to.
B.For new product opportunities, create new product concepts as little as possible because the process takes time and the speed of the market is important.
C.For new product opportunities, create as many new product concepts as possible, because the more concepts are generated, the greater the probability of success.
D.None of the above options are correct.
- A:对于新产品机会,只产生一个新产品概念,并坚持这个概念
- B:对于新产品机会,产生尽可能少的新产品概念,因为这个过程花费时间而且上市速度是重要的
- C:对于新产品机会,产生尽可能多的新产品概念,因为概念产生得越多,成功的概率就越大
- D:以上都不对
解析: 概念生成阶段的新产品概念在最初的阶段一定是发散的,越多越好。慢慢到后期经过市场调研和验证才会逐渐收敛。所以A错误。 这个过程有可能是整个产品流程中最长的,所以这个阶段的速度是无法衡量和要求的。B错误
50、 [单选] Which of the following statements is wrong for product prototypes?
A.Immediately enter full-scale production.
B.Complete functionality to meet customer needs.
C.There is a look and feel of the final product.
D.Allow customers to test.
- A:即刻进入全面量产
- B:功能完整,满足客户需求
- C:有最终产品的外观和感觉
- D:可以让客户进行测试
解析:3-3.2.1 产品原型不是真正产品,需要经历各种测试和调整,才可以进入全面量产。
55、 [单选] Company Y plans to launch a magnetic levitation electric vehicle named Tata.This product currently has no competing products in the market. Company Y is striving to be the first to introduce this model in the market. What is the strategy adopted by company Y?
A.Differentiation strategy.
B.Market-leading strategy.
C.Market segmentation strategy.
D.Technology-driven strategy.
- A:差异化战略--- 交付独特、优质的产品
- B:市场领先战略--- 市场占有率高
- C:市场细分战略
- D:技术推动战略
解析:1-1.5.1 P14 差异化战略:通过交付独特的、优质的产品和建立忠诚的客户关系获取市场份额。 情景题: 分析题干,该产品在市场上没有同类竞品,说明其对顾客来说是一款独特的产品,公司进行的是差异化战略,通过交付独特的、优质的产品和建立忠诚的客户关系获取市场份额。
60、 [单选] Which of the following is not a feature of concurrent engineering?
A.All elements of the product life cycle are considered at the early design stage.
B.The previous design activities such as product design and manufacturing process should be carried out simultaneously.
C.The systems of functional systems need to be comprehensively applied.
D.Design, development, and implementation are performed in order to minimize process risks.
- A:产品生命周期的所有要素在早期设计阶段考虑
- B:前期的设计活动如产品设计、制造工艺等都应同时进行
- C:各职能体系的系统进行综合应用
- D:设计、开发、实施按顺序进行,最小化过程风险
解析:3-3.2.2 P233-234 并行工程( Concurrent Engineering,CE)在产品的设计和制造流程中,跨职能团队采用并行整合模式进行工作,而不是按各个功能的顺序依次开发,从而促使团队全面考虑产品生命周期中从概念到实施的全部元素,包括质量、成本、维护等方面也称作同步工程。
63、 [单选] Your company puts forward the basic characteristics, design principles and main contents of green packaging in the design and development process of the product life cycle, and requires that the product design should reduce the impact on the environment. What of the following design methods is used by your company?
A. Designed for the environment
B. Developed for environment
C. Designed for environment
D. Environment-oriented development
- A:为环境设计
- B:为环境开发
- C:DFE,面向环境设计
- D:面向环境开发
解析:7-7.2.3 面向环境的设计( Design for the environment,DFE):在产品生命周期的设计和开发流程中,系统考虑环境安全和健康问题的设计方式。
66、 [单选] What is the relationship between secondary market research and major market research?
A.Secondary market research supports major market research.
B.Major market research provides data for secondary market research.
C.There is no connection between the two.
D.None of the above options are correct.
- A:次级市场研究为主要市场研究提供支持
- B:主要市场研究为次级市场研究提供数据
- C:两者并无联系
- D:以上说法都不对
解析:6-6.2 B 次级市场为主要市场提供数据,主要市场给予论证。所以错误。
70、 [单选] A cross functional team?
A.Is a team representing the company at the highest management levels
B.Consists of representatives from the all functions involved in product development? They are empowered by their departments to represent each function area’s perspective in the development process.
C.Consist of representatives from the various functions involved in product development, usually the key functions required to deliver a successful product and the representatives are empowered by their unit.
D.is used for all product development initiatives to achieve superior performance.
解析:4-4.4 P251 跨职能团队(Cross- Functional team):由不同职能领域的代表组成的产品开发团队,这些职能领域通常涵盖完成一个成功产品所需的所有关键环节,一般包括营销、工程、制造、运营、财务、销售、客户支持和质量。团队被赋予在开发过程中行使每项职能的权力。 B由来自于产品开发的所有职能部门的代表组成,错误。 C.由产品开发涉及的各种职能的代表组成,通常是交付成功产品所需的关键职能,这些职能代表由其所在单位授权。
74、 [单选] A concept statement indicates?
A.The innovativeness of the idea
B.Technology specifications
C.All answers listed
D.A difference and how the difference will benefit customers
- A:创新想法
- B:技术规范
- C:列出所有的答案
- D:新的差异将会为客户带来的利益或者价值
解析:3-3.2.1 P243 概念说明( Concept Statement):在产品开发之前,为获得消费者对新概念的反馈所提供的文字性描述或图示说明。 这些文字说明是向客户传递价值的一份陈述,“价值”的本质根植于客户从新产品中获得的收益和客户的支付价格之间的权衡。
85、 [单选] An effective strategy marching towards markets must aim at
A.Overall market
B.How to reach target markets
C.How to conduct product allocation
D.All of the above
- A:总体市场
- B:如何到达目标市场
- C:如何进行产品分配
- D:以上都是
解析:7-7.1.5 P212将产品推向目标市场、是新产品面市是“走向上市”的关键一环。 A错误,走向上市,包括“整体解决方案” C错误,走向上市,不包括如何分配产品 P206 为新产品建立一个“走向上市”战略,可以帮助新产品“跨越鸿沟”。(英文版教材:jump the chasm with a focused go-to-market) 走向上市的8个步骤: 什么 1、价值主张 2、整体解决方案 谁 3、市场细分 4、目标细分市场 5、抢滩战略 如何 6、渠道 哪里 7、促销计划 8、沟通信息
88、 [单选] Which of the following best describe vision statement?
A.Vision statement represents some desired future state that the organization hopes to obtain
B.Vision statement represents an accurate approach of practical operation of an organization
C.Vision statement represents the corporate strategy
D.Vision statement represents the core strategic vision
- A:愿景陈述代表企业组织未来渴望成为的状态
- B:愿景陈述代表企业组织实际运作的精确做法
- C:愿景陈述代表事业单位战略
- D:愿景陈述代表核心战略愿景
解析:1-1.3 P5 愿景( Vision) “一种基于洞察力和远见的想象。它揭示了可能性和实践制约条件,描述了组织最期望的未来状态。”
91、 [单选] You decide to use crowd sourcing to collect people’s ideas via internet. You understand that Starbucks, LEGO, Dale and other companies have used this technology. Many decisions need to be made, such as whether to motivate persons to submit ideas with rewards or use your own company website or outsourcing service. In order to use crowd sourcing effectively, what is your plan?
A.Make preparations for all projects
B.Conduct ranking on ideas through the mass
C.Require senior managers to conduct ranking on ideas
D.Conduct follow-up quantitative research
- A:自己对所有的项目进行准备
- B:通过大众来排名想法
- C:要求高管来排名想法
- D:进行后续的定量研究
解析:6-6.6.1 P189众包( Crowd sourcing)的定义是:“通过大量征集他人的解决方案,从而获取信息并将其用于特定任务或项目的一系列工具。该服务可以是有偿的,也可以是无偿的,通常借由互联网实现。”
92、 [单选] Compared with the functional team, what is the advantage of the lightweight team?
A.The project works are prior to functional works
B.Complete project works faster
C.Provide consistency of career development roads
D.Provide a rather strong project focus and commitment
- A:将项目工作优先于功能工作
- B:更快地完成项目工作
- C:提供职业发展道路的一致性
- D:提供一个较强的项目的重点和承诺
解析:4-4.4 P112 表4.1 沟通和协同得到改进,人物之间的空闲时间缩短 A重量级团队 C职能型团队 D重量级团队
94、 [单选] In the agile process, who is responsible for ensuring the orderly and timely delivery of ideas and projects in the new product development process?
A.Process owner.
B.Scrum Master.
C.Product Owner.
D.Project Manager.
- A:流程负责人
- B:Scrum Master
- C:产品所有者
- D:项目经理
解析:4-4.2.2 P99 流程经理( Process Manager):确保流程中的创意和项目按时有序进行的运营经理。 ·在门径管理流程和瀑布流程中,该经理可能被称为流程经理或业务流程经理。 ·在敏捷流程中,主要职责由产品主管Product Owner承担。
100、 [单选] Which of the following are correct methods to problems confronted by financial analysis in accordance with Crawford’s researches?
A.Improve the currently active new product process
B.Use the life cycle concept of financial analysis
C.Decrease the probability of poor financial forecasts
D.All of the above
- A:改善目前使用中的新产品流程
- B:使用财务分析的生命周期概念
- C:降低不良财务预估的机率
- D:以上皆是
解析:5-5.3 P123 在销量和财务预测方面存在的主要问题解决方法: 确保你有最好的市场研究方法—在预算内的最佳方法。 从广泛的来源(内部和外部)收集信息,尽可能验证你的估计。 接受较为可靠的预测,但同时必须做好准备应对预测结果所显示的潜在风险。运用“假设”或“敏感性”分析来确定不同预测结果的影响,运用概率模型模拟系列的预测结果及其发生的可能性。