这个案子是毕业以来做的最近最艰难也是涉及链接最多的产品了,从开案做到最后从原来的IC厂家设计者到同单位的合作者好多人自然离开了这个项目,可以说开公司做案子时间最长纪录了。和Jay回想起XVT3D580CM 就会想到高温高湿实验,腰肌劳损,rework,共同帮忙等系列不好印象的词语。但就产品来说,个人觉得从ID设计到PQ调整,AQ设置都够得上一流,适合买回家做家庭影院用,不足的是只在北美销售,买回国内没有了良好的网络服用与中外界面和售后不太适用了。
In 2010, Philips announced the first native Cinemascope television, the Cinema 21:9 screen, and while other parts of the world were lucky enough to be able to buy it shortly thereafter the US is still waiting. But at CES 2011 there was a glimmer of hope, Vizio announced it would bring its own 21:9 screen to the market, and then... nothing. Until now.
Unlike the sensibly named Philips Cinema 21:9 though, the Vizio uses the alphabet soup approach with its XVT3D580CM model name. Ok, it's also called the "CinemaWide", but name aside, this is actually quite an elegant television. The styling might be a little old-hat, but turn it on and you can't help but be swept away by movies on this uniquely-shaped screen.
The Vizio's biggest issue is with its main feature: the TV doesn't have a dedicated "wide" mode and changes the screen size by auto-detection, and it doesn't always work properly. If the TV had a a dedicated 21:9 mode it would make this a serious consideration for video enthusiasts, but it's on-the-fly changes don't always work with some shunting between fullscreen and the much smaller 16:9 mode.
2013年01月22日 下午10:10 沙发
哈哈 是呀 以后最好不要碰到这样的案子了,伤不起呀
2013年01月22日 下午7:56 板凳
遺憾的58"就讓它過去吧,接手Trident的sigma design說不定哪一天瘋了又想把它搞起來…